King's Ford Infant School And Nursery

'Where everyone matters and every day counts'


Our Curriculum Intent (The What and the Why) 


The term Curriculum refers to the knowledge and skills pupils are expected to learn, which includes subject progression, the content and coverage of each subject area and learning outcomes they are expected to meet.  “A framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage” Ofsted Framework 2019

We began the re-design of our curriculum in September 2019, where we wanted our curriculum to reflect the needs of the children at King’s Ford Infant School and Nursery. We believe that our children should experience a rich curriculum, which balances academic and personal development.


Primarily, we started with the individual child and as well as learning about themselves, we wanted to widen our learning intentions to develop their understanding of the locality around our school, and the wider world. By offering a designed range of experiences and provision which support a full spectrum of academic, physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities that enrich children’s lives and provide them with the confidence, skills and knowledge to progress to the next stage of their education.

We continue to think hard about the skills and knowledge that our children from age 3 years old to 7 years old need to learn. Through research, best practice and with the school community input, we have organised our curriculum themes into three Blocks to give the children a balanced approach that also meets the statutory requirements of the national curriculum.  The three blocks allow us to provide equal depth of coverage to each of the non-core subject areas.

Each theme builds upon prior skills and knowledge and uses the local or the wider environment to enhance what is being taught within the classroom and is also routed in practical ‘real life’ experiences. Each theme begins with an overarching Question as a starting hook, and each subject has a question to further develop creative thinking and promote independence.

Our School Leadership Team and Subject Leaders have developed the planning to ensure that the children learn the basic skills they will need to become successful learners and thrive in the wider world. The School’s SCARF approach visually demonstrates these skills to the children and are as follows:








It is our intention to provide every child with the skills that will ignite their enthusiasm for lifelong learning and prepare them for a future where there is no ceiling placed on their potential to be successful.

In addition to the day-to-day teaching, we pride ourselves on supplementing our formal curriculum with a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for the children. These opportunities extend the children's knowledge and understanding and improves their skills in a range of artistic, creative and sporting activities. Examples of the extra-curricular activities on offer this year include Gardening, I-pads, Sewing, Fencing, Dance and Gymnastics.