King's Ford Infant School And Nursery

'Where everyone matters and every day counts'

Inclusive teaching and access to the curriculum

We know that high quality teaching and well-matched support will make a big difference to the progress of children with SEND.  Making sure that this happens in all classrooms is one of the most important things that our school leaders do. We make sure that all Teachers and Learning Support Assistants have a clear understanding of the learning needs of the children in their class.  Senior leaders, including the SENDCO, work with teachers and support staff to provide effective teaching and support for children with SEND.


We provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, motivating and enjoyable.  We want our exciting curriculum to be one of the many reasons our children love coming to school! We work hard to ensure that all of our children achieve in lots of different ways as well as academic learning – for example in art, performance, sport, dance, showing leadership and taking on responsibilities. We arrange educational visits and journeys and make sure that all of our children can take part. We do a risk assessment and when necessary make reasonable adjustments to plans and arrangements.


Our whole school Provision Map shows additional interventions to accelerate children’s progress in, for example, reading, writing and mathematics: we choose these after looking carefully at the research on “What works?” These sessions run for a limited time (sometimes up to a year) they are frequent and short for example, two or three  twenty minute sessions a week. They are well taught by a trained teacher or Learning Support Assistant (LSA). 


Our SENDCO monitors the quality and effectiveness of these interventions every year. For example, we measure a reading level at the start of a reading intervention and then assess progress over time and levels of attainment. If a child is not making sufficient progress and/or is falling short of national expectations, we will consider other forms of support in discussion with you and your child. We also adapt the curriculum to include children with SEND, for example by providing quiet time out for a student with emotional needs or a visual timetable and clear explanations of tasks for a child with autistic spectrum disorder.


 94% of parents strongly agree that the school encourages their child to participate in a wide range of activities.

100% of parents surveyed strongly agree or agree that the school has high standards for all.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS  (Inclusive teaching and access to the curriculum)

Q.How can I help my child with learning at home?

A. We often run events to help guide parents on how to help their children at home e.g. phonics, science and maths workshops. Each class sends out letters to parents with homework activities and websites that can support learning. In EYFS and Y1 we also use Tapestry to talk to parents about their child’s learning.

Q. How accessible is the building for a child who uses a wheel chair?

A. We are fully accessible for wheel-chair users

Q. What specialist resources and equipment are available for my child?

A. We aim to provide a service that meets your child’s needs. For example, if your child requires Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy, we can contact those services to arrange for this support in our school.